Buy here Cigars form Cuba

Cuba is probably the most famous and best-known country in the world among those countries known for their cigar production. From here come i.a. the world-famous brands Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, , Romeo y Julieta and Trinidad. When Christopher Columbus made his way to India in 1492, he discovered the Caribbean island and later brought tobacco consumption to Europe. Since the beginning of the 19th century, Cuban cigars have not only been the ultimate for European aficionados but also all over the world. The Cuban capital is called Habana in Spanish, hence the name Habanos for Cuban cigars. Compared to cigars from other countries of origin such as the Dominican Republic or Nicaragua, Cuban cigars are generally stronger.

The geology of Cuba in connection with the prevailing climate offer ideal conditions for tobacco cultivation and cigar production. The Vuelta Abajo in western Cuba is probably the world's most famous tobacco growing area, where the best tobaccos for the finest long fillers grow. Tobacco experts and cigar smokers agree on one thing: the cradle of the best tobacco is in the westernmost province of Cuba - in Pinar del Rio. The diverse flora and fauna as well as the natural beauty are one of the reasons why parts of the province are classified as worthy of protection by UNESCO. The soils in Pinar del Rio consist of copper-red clay, the climate is humid, and it rains regularly with an annual average temperature between 26°C and 27°C. The plantation area in Pinar del Rio is around 100,000 hectares, with the average area of a plantation that also known as La Vega is around 150 hectares in size. Among the best-known Vegas is that of Hoyo de Monterrey, on which filler tobacco is usually grown, and that of El Corojo, which is used for its wrapper leaves.

10,16 cm
30 RM
Hoyo De Monterrey Hoyo du Maire

No longer available

Variants from €8.50*
Content: 25 Stück (€8.50* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

The „Monterrey Valley“ is one of the best growing regions in Cuba, and the eponymous brand has always named formats after the specific sites. Like this tiny „Entreacto“, a traditional format that should not be underestimated. Cuba enjoyment for about 25 – 30 minutes!


Despite the very small diameter, which often ensures a concentrated aroma, the fine cig has a rather sweet flavour. It convinces with intense fermentation, which never subsides towards the end, and the typical flavour facets of light Habanos with bright wrapper leaves, (milk) coffee, white bread, cornflakes, cedar wood. Mild and mellow, with spicy notes, the „Maire“ is extremely easy to start and a cigar for really every occasion.

-3 %
verschieden cm
verschieden RM
Guantanamera Seleccion
€24.25* €25.00*
Content: 15 Stück (€1.62* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 1-3 days, 27 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

All 3 cigars and the larger cigarillo format of the popular short filler brand at an attractive price combined in an attractive little treasure chest. What more could you want? Try your way through the range!


For beginners, but also for the everyday life of experienced aficionados, the Guantanamera portfolio is always an excellent choice. The nicotine content is quite low, but the flavour, which varies in nuances from format to format, is pleasingly full-bodied. Pleasant fermentation, balanced aromas, the taste of cereals and a slightly flowery impression with a hint of hay come together very harmoniously. From the spicier, darker Vítolas to the creamy Decimos, there is something for every taste!

mittel - kräftig
12,90 cm
42 RM
Montecristo No. 4

No longer available

Variants from €13.70*
Content: 10 Stück (€13.70* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Variants from €13.70*
Content: 25 Stück (€13.70* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

This format remains a bestseller even in the age of 6x60„stovepipes“. No wonder, because with the Mareva you can experience the characteristics of a brand in concentrated form in about 35– 50 minutes. This is also the case with this gold piece!


It is not for nothing that Montes „Dreier“ is counted among the most circulated of all Habanos. For many decades, it has offered everything that aficionados have come to expect from this brand: the popular interplay of chocolate and strong coffee notes (which are in the foreground here), a good pinch of fine spices (especially nutmeg), a hint of hay and woody scents that are so characteristic of Cuban tobacco; plus a perfectly hit level of sweetness and sloppy creaminess. The strength is in the medium range – this makes the „No. 4“ as well as the „5“, a particularly suitable format for the entry into the classic Monte range!

12,90 cm
42 RM
Partagas Mille Fleurs

No longer available

Variants from €7.80*
Content: 25 Stück (€7.80* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Verkaufsmenge limitiert auf 5 Stück pro Kunde!


Die seit 2002 handgerollte Mareva gehört zu den Klassikern im Partagás-Portfolio. Sie ist sowohl ein Bestseller als auch ein echter Preis-Leistungs-Sieger! Rauchdauer ca. 35 – 50 Minuten.


Dies ist eine der lieblichsten, charmantesten Partagás und bei glatt mittlerer Stärke auch eine der leichtesten der allgemein als kräftig eingestuften Marke. Mit vielfältigen duftig-floralen Aromen wird sie ihrem Namen gerecht, bietet aber auch viel von jenem herrlich prickelnd süßlich-würzigen Zimt-/Zedern-Geschmack, den Partagás-Fans so lieben. Die schwereren Gewürz- und Weihrauchnoten sowie die deutliche Erdigkeit ihrer stärkeren Schwestern sind hier eher im Hintergrund präsent; eine leckere Honigsüße steht weiter im Mittelpunkt. Eine der wenigen Partagás, deren Aromatik eher zur warmen als zur kalten Jahreszeit passt – perfekt auch zum Einstieg!

13,20 cm
44 RM
Trinidad Coloniales

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 23 in stock

Variants from €48.50*
Content: 24 Stück (€48.50* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Bei keinem Hersteller Kubas wird so viel mit dem Portfolio experimentiert wie bei der jungen Marke Trinidad. Dieses einzigartige Corona-Format hat sich seit der Einführung 2004 zu einem ihrer Aushängeschilder gemausert. Ergiebig – brennt etwas über 1 Stunde.


Mit die würzigste, kräftigste und aromatisch kompakteste „Trini“. Röst- und Nussgeschmack prägt durchgehend den Rauchgenuss; auch Süße ist vorhanden, allerdings dezenter als bei den dickeren Formaten. Die unverkennbare fruchtige, tropisch anmutende Herznote der Marke ist natürlich ebenfalls zu erschmecken; sie hat hier einen reizenden feinsäuerlichen Einschlag, der sie zu einer traumhaften Sommerzigarre macht – wenn man mit ihrer nicht unerheblichen Power zurechtkommt; nicht nur die Fruchtsäure, auch die Stärke geht in Richtung Bolívar. Karibik pur!

mittel - kräftig
15,19 cm
38 RM
Montecristo Especial No. 2

No longer available

Variants from €20.60*
Content: 25 Stück (€20.60* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

At the same time as its longer sister, this classic Montecristo began to conquer the hearts of aficionados. The massive boxes of 100 pieces that used to exist are history – thank goodness this great cigar lives on.


As in Cohiba, the two are similar Lancero formats taste naturally strong – and as there, the smaller Vítola is also the somewhat lighter and more beginner-friendly cigar at MC, corresponds more to the first than the last three quarters of the long one. In other words, the typical brand aromas are a little sweeter and sweeter, the captivating spice and earthiness of the “Especiales” are more strongly integrated into gentle coffee and chocolate nuances, the roasted aromas are more moderate. The strength doesn't pick up quite as much towards the end either.

14,00 cm
40 RM
Partagas Super Partagas

No longer available

Variants from €7.90*
Content: 25 Stück (€7.90* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Das nächste klassische Format („Cremas“), das schon ewig zum Marken-Sortiment zählt. Die unschlagbar günstige Premium-Habano wird für ihre Unkompliziertheit, Ausgewogenheit und Alltagstauglichkeit geschätzt. Rauchdauer ca. 40 – 55 Minuten.


Röst-, Brot-, Erd- und Kaffeenoten bestimmen das ausgeglichene, höchst angenehme Geschmacksbild dieser liebenswerten Zigarre. Stärke und Intensität sind für eine Partagás relativ moderat, was die „Super“ zur perfekten Alltagsbegleiterin macht. Im Rauchverlauf machen sich immer wieder elegant holzige Töne bemerkbar, desgleichen feine Ledernoten. Der Blend ist eher auf einen linearen, Zug um Zug gleich leckeren Wohlfühl-Smoke als auf maximale Abwechslung oder Komplexität ausgelegt. Entsprechend gefällig sind Zug und Abbrand. Eine Zigarre für jede Tageszeit, auch draußen absolut gutmütig.

mittel - kräftig
12,50 cm
57 RM
Romeo y Julieta Linea de Oro Hidalgos

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 17 in stock

Variants from €63.00*
Content: 20 Stück (€63.00* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

„Hidalgo“ in German „Edelmann“ – if this is supposed to be the Romeo of the famous lovers, Juliet has a strange ideal of beauty, for this Gordito is almost as thick as she is long. But her inner values are fully convincing for about 55 – 70 minutes!


„The little fat guy with the super punch“ is the name of an old martial arts film. For this Habano, that would also fit – its massive, intense flavour profile with tremendous smoke development shows a completely different face of the brand than, for example, the Wide Churchill. In a dense texture, a concentrated wood, leather and nut aroma pleases the palate, which gains in intensity with almost every puff, but also leaves room for the brand-typical, slightly floral flavour of red fruits. A cigar that goes well with even the most robust single malt without going under. It has a lot of punch and is bursting with classic Cuban tobacco flavours right up until you put it down.

mittel - kräftig
12,38 cm
50 RM
Cohiba Robustos

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 14 in stock

Variants from €75.50*
Content: 3 Stück (€75.50* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 15 in stock

Variants from €75.50*
Content: 25 Stück (€75.50* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

It may come as a surprise that today's most popular cigar format was only included in the Cohiba portfolio with the international marketing in 1989 – of course, with justifiably great success. Those who expect more smoothness and less strength than with the Coronas should, however, be prepared for an intense smoke of 60 – 80 minutes, because the „CoRo“ has a lot of punch!


As is typical for the format, there is no „smoking-in phase“ with restrained aromatics. The usually rather loosely rolled cigar immediately delights with pithy wood, walnut and coffee flavours, slightly earthy-roasty underpinnings and cushioned by fine, floral honey. Overall, however, it is more of a noble, yet wonderfully creamy umami cigar, full-bodied and immensely „satisfying“, always more crisp than medium. Here, it is less about maximum variety in the course of the smoke than about a coherent, cohesive flavour. This Habano simply tastes like the very finest tobacco from A to Z!

12,38 cm
50 RM
Bolivar Royal Coronas

No longer available

Variants from €16.40*
Content: 25 Stück (€16.40* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Things to know

The trade name of this cigar, which was introduced about 50 years ago, is misleading in that it is not a Corona, but has the dimensions of a conventional Robusto. The smoking properties of the very popular product also correspond to this. Temporarily, the same Habano was formerly known as “Prince Charles” offered in cabinet boxes of 50.


This Bolívar feels a little lighter and milder than its sisters, although it gains strength and body as the smoke progresses. In return, it offers all the more honey sweetness and creaminess alongside complex wood and roasted aromas. A particularly balanced, harmonious and charming cigar, certainly less demanding for beginners than e.g. B. the Belicoso - nevertheless still above average strong. On average, the RC is relatively loosely rolled, so that it draws flawlessly and has a large volume of smoke. You can enjoy them for about an hour, sometimes longer.

mittel - kräftig
11,43 cm
26 RM
Cohiba Panetelas

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 14 in stock

Variants from €31.00*
Content: 5 Stück (€31.00* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 10 in stock

Variants from €31.00*
Content: 25 Stück (€31.00* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 in stock

Worth knowing

No, this is not a cigarillo, but actually a premium long filler! The straw-thin cigar is one of the Cohiba classics, having been introduced in 1967, one year after the official brand launch. Ideal as the first Cohiba ever – and with 20 – 35 minutes of smoking time for the break!


The smallest Cohiba is also the lightest and mildest. It has the sweet aromas typical of the brand, but also thrives on creamy and gently nutty facets that are sometimes reminiscent of Hoyo de Monterrey. Charming, discreet aromas can also be found in the harmonious, very pleasant taste. If one can generally expect such a thin cigar to have an intense, crisp feel, this Panetela has been noticeably blended for ease and beginner friendliness. It is a glorious success – a wonderful introduction to the brand.

mittel - kräftig
12,50 cm
54 RM
Montecristo Wide Edmundo

No longer available

Variants from €23.40*
Content: 10 Stück (€23.40* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Variants from €23.40*
Content: 25 Stück (€23.40* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

"Duke No. 3" is the official format designation for this opulent Robusto with RM 54 - the Count of Montecristo likes it classy. All fans of the brand will also find this new smoke a very noble pleasure for approx. 55 - 65 minutes!


The Edmundo series is a typical child of the 21st century - above-average thickness and a somewhat mellowed blend compared to the standard series guarantee a comfortable smoking experience. This exquisite cigar adds to that. All the hallmarks of the cult brand are present without compromise - the melting cocoa flavour, the toasty mocha note, the subtle sweetness, the playful hint of hay and the earthy-profound character of the final third. The unique selling point, however, is the fabulously soft, even creamy smoke texture of this medium-strength Habano - you would love to simply bathe in the smoke!

16,70 cm
45 RM
Partagas Aliados LCDH + HS

No longer available

Worth knowing

Very gradually, the interest in slim, elegant long formats seems to return - and Cuba's oldest brand takes this into account with a brand new special format for selected retailers! This great special corona burns for about 65 - 80 minutes, comes in a beautiful box, and yet delights with a nice price.


Finally a new Habano that represents old virtues of the cigar art! Power, intensity, but also a lot of variety in the course of smoking with several filigree intermediate tones characterize the youngest offspring of the Partagás family. A lush pinch of various spices accompanies the entire smoke, from warming black pepper to exotic nutmeg and allspice to that distinctive resinous, quite brand-typical note that reminds many of incense. The "spice bomb" is balanced by delicate floral sweetness, fragrant leather, in the last third increasingly by peaty earthiness. Quite strong, but absolutely harmonious!

12,90 cm
40 RM
Partagas Aristocrats

No longer available

Variants from €7.60*
Content: 25 Stück (€7.60* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

This narrow Corona differs in format from a Mareva only by the ring gauge, which is 2 numbers slimmer. Like many other smaller Habanos, it only became a handmade premium cigar in 2002. 35 – 45 minutes of smoking pleasure.


The „Mille Fleurs“ or „Shorts“ are probably more suitable as an introduction to the brand; fans, on the other hand, particularly appreciate the „Ari“. A strong cigar with an astonishingly full body, spicy and earthy, with a fine hint of pepper and intense incense notes typical of Partag. There is also a discreet ätheric sweetness and pleasant, black tea-like tannins. The solid, hearty smoke at a real friendship price shows quite a few crass competitor products from Nicaragua with their sometimes exaggerated pepperiness where the hammer is.

mittel - kräftig
13,50 cm
56 RM
Romeo y Julieta Linea de Oro Nobles

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 14 in stock

Variants from €56.00*
Content: 20 Stück (€56.00* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

The „Noble“ are extravagantly sized Belicosos – a unique vítola, beautiful to look at and extremely exciting to smoke for about 65 – 80 minutes. With the „noble series“ from RyJ, the Cubans have once again pulled off a great coup!


For those who fear that the baroque ring gauge leaves little room for complexity and development in the smoke, relax – best with this torpedo in your hand! It is a full-flavoured, dignified evening cigar at the highest level, whose creamy, almost „greasy“ smoke in a positive sense has a nutty, rich heart note with almost chocolaty notes, complemented by a discreetly sweet and tart apple flavour and the unmistakable nappa leather scent of the cult brand. Power and body of the class Habano noticeably pick up in the final third, when peaty-profound tobacco flavour meets spicy cinnamon and nutmeg. Grandiose!

leicht - mittel
11,50 cm
36 RM
H. Upmann Coronas Junior A/T

No longer available

Variants from €8.80*
Content: 25 Stück (€8.80* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

Until about 10 years ago, this charming small cigar was also available without a tubo. Since then, it has formed a series with two other short Coronas that are only available in aluminium. Even before the revolution, it was part of the brand's portfolio. Amazingly, it burns for up to 40 minutes!


A very classic HU cigar. The characteristic woody aromas here seem somewhat darker and heartier than in some other representatives of the brand, an effect that can also be observed in small Coronas from RyJ. Nevertheless, it seems pleasantly mild and gentle, not as concentratedly spicy as many other particularly dark Habanos. A nice hint of cocoa and the classic, creamy nutty flavours complete the harmonious taste picture. An underrated cigar that is more suitable for concentrated enjoyment than for a quick smoke on the side.

mittel - kräftig
10,2 cm
40 RM
Montecristo No. 5

No longer available

Variants from €11.00*
Content: 5 Stück (€11.00* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

The smallest cigar in Montecristo's „original stock“ is really only behind its sisters in size. A luxurious „break snack“ not for one, but for about 30 – 40 minutes!


Cuban minutos are usually designed to present the character of a blend in concentrated, intense form in a mini format. This is also the case with „No. 5“, which combines all the characteristics of its famous brand in 11 cm. Its „muted“, rounded aroma offers earthy spiciness, beautiful fermentation, original Cuban woodiness, but above all, of course, the Monte-typical „chocolate-espresso“ association with its unmistakable herbal „&flavour. Medium-bodied, only a little stronger towards the end, it is more beginner-friendly than the very intense „Media Corona“.

mittel - kräftig
13,00 cm
49 RM
Montecristo Linea 1935 Dumas

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 11 in stock

Variants from €49.50*
Content: 20 Stück (€49.50* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock


2017 angekündigt, wurde diese Serie im Jahr darauf ausgeliefert. Nach dem Gründungsjahr der Marke benannt, zollt sie deren ursprünglichen Charakter Tribut. Feinste Zigarren im „vorrevolutionären“ Stil – super-edel, stark und vereinnahmend. Dieses Robusto-ähnliche Format lässt sich teils über 90 Minuten lang rauchen.


Diese sensationelle Reihe bietet sozusagen die Seele von Montecristo. Von Anfang an kraftvoll, perfekt gerollt, ist dieses kleinste Format das würzigste und konzentrierteste. Eingangs von markanten Röstaromen geprägt, entwickelt sich das Geschmacksbild rasch in Richtung Zartbitter-Schokolade und Espresso, angenehm erdig und ungemein vollmundig. Herbsüße, schmelzige Haselnussnoten treten hinzu, die ein wenig an Ramón Allones denken lassen. Aber auch die typische Monte-Süße kommt deutlich rüber. Entwicklung und Ballung der Aromen sind erstaunlich – das Format heißt nicht umsonst „Prominente Corto“, erinnert tatsächlich an die letzten 2 Drittel einer Double Corona!

mittel - kräftig
11,00 cm
52 RM
Montecristo Petit Edmundos

No longer available

Variants from €18.70*
Content: 25 Stück (€18.70* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

Two years after introducing the „Edmundo“, Montecristo followed up with this 1-inch shorter „Short Smoke“ in 2006. This way, the popular blend of the series can be enjoyed in a manageable time frame of about 45 – 60 minutes.


The „PE“ is of course very similar to its big sister; however, the shorter format causes some differences, especially in terms of intensity in the first third of the smoke. The spicy components are somewhat reminiscent of the brand's Coronas, but the typical creamy mocha aromas and the chocolate note of the thicker Vítolas also unfold clearly. The short one seems a little more crisp, also more aromatic, but at the same time also has the more intensive fermentation. A charming smoke, medium strong and wonderfully balanced!

13,34 cm
38 RM
Guantanamera Decimos
€8.73* €9.00*
Variants from €8.63*
Content: 5 Stück (€1.75* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 3-5 days, 4 in stock

€18.43* €19.00*
Variants from €8.63*
Content: 10 Stück (€1.84* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 10 in stock

Worth knowing

Nearly Robusto in length, but with the slender Cremas ring gauge of 40, this is the boldest cigar in the Guantanamera portfolio. A first-class short filler with the good smoking characteristics known from the brand. Lasts approx. 35 – 45 minutes.


Smooth, woody and mellow in flavour like all Guantanameras, the Decimos are a little more savoury and spicy in aroma. They convey particularly clearly that typical „juicy“, mouth-filling tobacco taste that makes Cuban cigars so unmistakable – despite their short-filler character. In the course of smoking, they gain a bit of spiciness, but remain smooth, rather light and extremely voluptuous until the end. A wonderful product for beginners or the early hours of the day!

11,50 cm
50 RM
Trinidad Media Luna

Delivery time: 1-3 days, 9 in stock

Variants from €45.00*
Content: 12 Stück (€45.00* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Neben der „Vigía“ gibt es bei Trinidad seit 2019 ein weiteres kurzes Robusto-Format, allerdings nicht ganz so pummelig. Das „Media Luna“ („Halbmond“) ist eines der bekanntesten Hotels der Stadt Trinidad. Dort schmeckt dieser Stumpen für 50 – 65 Minuten sicher besonders fein.


Wider Erwarten ist die kurze Zigarre nicht die kräftigste, sondern eher die leichteste der drei Newbies. In der Aromatik ähnelt sie der „Esmeralda“ mit ihrem lieblichen, honigsüßen und ätherischen Obstgeschmack sowie der zunächst dezenten, im Verlauf schleichend zunehmenden Verschiebung hin zu herzhafteren Nuss- und Kaffee-Aromen. An Cremigkeit und Sanftmut kaum zu überbieten, ist sie für unerfahrene Raucher vielleicht ein besserer Einstieg in die Welt von Trinidad als die viel kleinere, aber auch stärkere „Reyes“. Nicht so intensiv wie die eingestellten Formate, dafür umso charmanter.

12,40 cm
50 RM
Partagas Serie D No. 4

No longer available

Variants from €19.50*
Content: 25 Stück (€19.50* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Verkaufsmenge limitiert auf 4 Stück pro Kunde


Vor der Revolution gab es jede Menge „Serie…“-Zigarren von Partagás, die unter Castro jedoch allesamt eingestellt wurden. 1975 begann man mit dieser Robusto die Tradition wieder aufzunehmen. Der Bestseller ist jedoch eine eher „moderne“ Habano, nicht zu stark und sehr unkompliziert. Rauchzeit ca. 55 – 70 Minuten.


Das anfängerfreundlichste mittlere Partagás-Format glänzt mit einem kompakten, einnehmenden Geschmacksbild. Der durchdringende Harz-/Weihrauchduft und die schwere erdige Würze ihrer stärkeren Schwestern spielen hier allenfalls die zweite Geige; im Brennpunkt stehen herrlicher Zimtgeschmack, Zedern-Ätherik, röstige Brot-Aromen und der Duft von Kaffee, verbunden mit feiner Karamellsüße. Auch die florale Eleganz der „Mille Fleurs“ scheint zuweilen durch. Die tolle Verarbeitung ist auf eher leichten Zug, große Rauchfülle und gutmütigen Abbrand ausgelegt. Bis auf das kräftigere Finish pegelt sich die Stärke im zentralen Mittelfeld ein.

mittel - kräftig
16,20 cm
44 RM
Romeo y Julieta Cazadores

No longer available

Variants from €17.20*
Content: 25 Stück (€17.20* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Die „Jäger“ im eleganten Lonsdale-Format haben ihren Namen nicht zu Unrecht – wer sich auf die pauschale Einstufung der Marke als „Mittel“ verlässt, wird schnell die Ohren anlegen. Die „Caza“ zählt zu den stärksten Habanos überhaupt und begeistert erfahrene Aficionados ca. 80 – 100 Minuten lang.


Eine volle Breitseite gefällig? Lehnen Sie sich zurück und genießen Sie einen Dino aus einer anderen Zeit! Eine Fülle markanter, tiefer Röstaromen, von Eiche über schwarzen Kaffee bis hin zu Walnuss, untermalt von malziger Erde sowie einer ordentlichen Prise Kakao nimmt den Aficionado gefangen. Dazu tritt ein durchgehend angenehm ledriger Grundcharakter, der vor allem im zweiten Drittel hervortritt. Der Rauch ist zum Schneiden dicht, seine Wucht erfordert eine gewisse Erfahrung. Sie suchen eine Zigarre zum fassstarken Islay Malt, aber Partagás schmecken Ihnen zu sehr nach Gewürzbasar? Greifen Sie zu diesem Klassiker!

14,20 cm
42 RM
Romeo y Julieta Cedros De Luxe No. 2

No longer available

Variants from €16.10*
Content: 25 Stück (€16.10* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Schade, das Flaggschiff der traditionsreichen „Cedros“-Reihe wurde 2017 eingestellt – zum Glück haben wir noch die beiden kleineren Formate. Diese um einen halben Zoll längere Mareva verspricht ca. 50 – 65 Minuten Rauchvergnügen.


Alle RyJ-„Cedros“ sind eher mild und nicht besonders stark, gleichwohl durchaus auf eine sanfte Art geschmacksintensiv. Der süßlich-würzige Zederngeschmack mit seiner stets leicht zimtigen Anmutung geht eine sehr harmonische Allianz mit den RyJ-typischen cremigen Nussaromen ein. Die kraftvolleren Röst- und Lederaromen stärkerer Markenblends spielen hier nur die Begleitmusik; stattdessen spielen immer wieder schön sommerliche Heu-/Grasnoten hinein. Eine anfängerfreundliche, gutmütige Habano, ideal für die warme Jahreszeit!