Buy cigars from Nicaragua

In 1502 Christopher Columbus landed at the mouth of the Rio San Juan, the area was ruled by the caciques at that time. Some of them, such as the namesake of the country "Nicarao", cooperated with the conquistadors, but the majority of them offered resistance, as a result of which one of the "most densely populated provinces in the world" was almost depopulated. In the 19th century, Nicaragua achieved unrest-marked independence through the wars of liberation against the Spanish occupation. From the point of view of the aficionado this is so interesting that one can read the political situation in the Nicaraguan cigar production.

When a number of tobacco families emigrated to Central America at the end of the 1950s in the course of the Cuban Revolution, well-known masters such as Nestor Plasencia came to Nicaragua and began building tobacco plantations and cigar factories. In the course of social conflicts at the end of the 1970s, many tobacco producers had to emigrate again and the strict economic embargo in the USA, which led to economic bottlenecks, did not revive Nicaraguan cigar production until the beginning of the 1990s.

Nicaragua is one of the medium-sized Central American countries between the Caribbean and the Pacific, whose impressive and varied natural beauty has already cast a spell over many visitors. A chain of volcanoes extends from north to south along the Pacific coast, which has led to the nickname "Land of a Thousand Volcanoes". In the east the Miskito area extends to the north. This rainforest area ends in the south at the Rio San Juan, a river that rises in Lake Nicaragua and forms the border with Costa Rica. The best and most famous tobacco growing areas in Nicaragua - the Jalapa - and Condegatal extend north of the capital Managua in the provinces of Esteli and Nueva Segovia to the Honduran border. The famous Pan America leads part of this idyllic volcanic area. The prevailing tropical climate with its rainy and dry periods in combination with the volcanic rock and mineral soils create excellent conditions for tobacco cultivation and can compete with the Cuban Vuelta Abajo.

The many cigar brands from Nicaragua offer an extensive range that surpasses that of the Cuban ones. In the region around Esteli you will find some of the most famous cigar manufacturers in the country, such as the Drew Estate brand. One of the most knowledgeable protagonists of the cigar business, Nestor Plasencia, who is involved in the production of the most popular Nicaraguan cigars, also comes from here.

12,07 cm
60 RM
Casa Magna Colorado Torito

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 48 in stock

€183.33* €189.00*
Variants from €7.00*
Content: 27 Stück (€6.79* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Der Name mag ein schwarzer Schimmel sein, zeichnen sich Türme doch gemeinhin eher durch Höhe als durch Dicke aus – das Raucherlebnis von 45 – 60 Minuten ist stimmig! Namengebend für die Serie ist übrigens nicht der US-Bundesstaat, sondern die mittelbraune Deckblattfarbe.


Hohe Geschmacksdichte bei wohliger Rauchkonsistenz – dafür steht diese liebenswerte Gordito. Die Holzaromatik kommt hier etwas dunkler daher als bei den anderen Formaten, der Röstgeschmack – vor allem zu Beginn – noch markanter. Bald aber entfaltet die Zigarre mit super-cremigem Rauch und weichen Erd-, Nuss- und Cappuccino-Aromen ihren ganzen Charme. Die Stärke liegt durchwegs im mittleren Bereich; die feine Süße ist relativ deutlich ausgeprägt und nimmt im Verlauf untypischerweise noch ein bisschen zu. Ein heißer Tipp für Freunde barocker Short Smokes!

mittel - kräftig
15,10 cm
52 RM
Brickhouse Toro Maduro

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 39 in stock

€164.90* €170.00*
Variants from €6.80*
Content: 25 Stück (€6.60* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

Down-to-earth and hearty like the people from the surroundings of brick factories and workers' houses - such is the image of this inexpensive but enjoyable brand! The dark version of the six-incher with approx. 70 - 85 minutes of smoking time is no exception.


What a delicious, typical Maduro for this price! The permanent chocolate note changes in the course of the smoke from full milk to plain; the solid scent of dark woods, however, remains constant, as does the noticeable milk coffee creaminess with a nutty touch (almond). The pleasantly broad spectrum is complemented by cinnamon-spicy spicy notes. In the second half, earthy facets increasingly come to the fore. The sweetness of the medium-strong smoke is discreet, but lasts until the finish. In the finish, its spiciness becomes a little more prominent without overpowering the balanced flavour.

11,10 cm
38 RM
Casa de Torres Half Corona

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 30 in stock

€126.10* €130.00*
Variants from €5.20*
Content: 25 Stück (€5.04* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

The dwarf in CdT.s classic range is actually more of a half lancero at RM 38 and with its smoke time of around 25 - 30 minutes, it is the ideal treat for a coffee break. Wonderful for beginners and the early hours thanks to the light blend.


Don't be fooled by the thin ring gauge often indicative of intensity and spice - this little one is just as good-natured, beginner-compatible daytime cigar as its bigger sisters. The blend represents the mild and pleasant face of Nicaraguan tobacco, with subtly spicy cedar tones, sloppy smoke consistency, grassy summery scents and an extra dose of delicious honey sweetness. Even in the last puffs, it never loses its charming, balanced character and pleasant lightness. A great choice as a first long filler - of the day or of a lifetime!

10,16 cm
40 RM
Condega Serie F Perla

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 30 in stock

€87.30* €90.00*
Variants from €3.60*
Content: 25 Stück (€3.49* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Das handlichste F-Format für die gepflegte Pause bietet alle Vorzüge kurzer dünner Zigarren. Hoch verdichtete Aromen für ein überschaubares Zeitfenster von ca. 30 – 40 Minuten zum echten Freundschaftspreis.


Erwartungsgemäß hat das Kleinformat mehr Pfiff und Würze als die größeren Schwestern. Es hält pikante Holznoten ebenso bereit wie zimtige und leicht pfeffrige Gewürzfacetten, die deutlichen Ledernoten der Reihe und die sanfte Erdigkeit im Hintergrund. Der Charakter der würzigen Einlagetabaksorten kommt hier ganz klassisch zum Ausdruck. Die Stärke liegt ein wenig über jener der übrigen Serie. Gegen Ende erinnert das Geschmacksbild mehr an Tee und Eiche – feinwürzig und angenehm adstringent.

10,20 cm
43 RM
Drew Estate Deadwood Leather Rose Petit Corona

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 30 in stock

€174.60* €180.00*
Variants from €7.50*
Content: 24 Stück (€7.28* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Nicht ohne Grund heißt diese Kleine etwas anders als die größeren Schwestern. Die Grundmischung ist dieselbe, auch hier ist der Wrapper „gezuckert“ – aber die lütte Rosi hat doch etwas mehr Wumms als gepolsterte Betty! 35 – 40 Minuten brennt sie locker.


Hey, das Mädel hat Klasse! Verführerisch süß von Anfang bis Ende, hat sie auch deutlich mehr Pepp und Würze im Handtäschchen als die „FBB“. Hier kommen richtig schön intensive Gewürz-, Röst- und Räucheraromen durch, fast als wäre hier Broadleaf-Tabak verbaut (was gar nicht der Fall ist). Mit jedem Zug wird die Assoziation eines gesüßten mexikanischen Gewürzkaffees oder einer extradunklen heißen Chili-Schokolade deutlicher – ganz im Sinne der „Dia de los Muertes“-Ästhetik des Anilla-Motivs! Die Stärke ist bei aller Süße im oberen Mittelfeld angesiedelt. Ein ganz reizvoller kleiner Smoke!

15,0 cm
56 RM
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Sun Grown Epicure

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 29 in stock

€325.92* €336.00*
Variants from €14.00*
Content: 24 Stück (€13.58* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

What you need to know

If you find the rather expressive "10th Anniversary Sungrown" a tad too strong, you should definitely try this medium-bodied younger sister! The powerful "Kanten" with a smoking time of around 70 - 90 minutes is of absolutely equal quality. Connoisseurs like to smoke both!


Bitter Sungrown cigars usually taste of wood and spices, sweeter ones of ripe fruit. The best of them combine both worlds of flavors - and here, too, they have succeeded brilliantly! Piquant spices and sweet forest honey combine to provide the perfect basis for a parade of flavors whose leitmotif is a citrusy, ethereal, slightly bitter note - an association. Blood orange! But the attentive smoker will also be reminded of tropical wood, nappa leather, yellow fruit and mild peppercorns. Like all Perdomos, an outstanding product in its price segment - also in terms of craftsmanship!

15,0 cm
56 RM
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Epicure

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 28 in stock

€325.92* €336.00*
Variants from €14.00*
Content: 24 Stück (€13.58* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

What you need to know

To celebrate the company's 20th anniversary, Perdomo created this blend, which is the prototype of an outstanding Nicaraguan maduro. It really delivers everything you could hope for from a cigar with a dark wrapper for around 70 - 90 minutes.


The "Cigar Journal" testers are not the only ones who are blown away by this gem! Slightly less strong than the "10th Anniversary" (medium-strong), this "square boxpressed" cigar offers full-bodied smoking pleasure of rare elegance, determined by classic maduro flavors such as mocha, cocoa and peat in combination with intense, but never over-candied sweetness between chocolate and dried fruits such as figs and dates. A leathery overtone hovers above this, before becoming spicier and stronger in the final third. A full-bodied smoke, perfect for a relaxing evening in an armchair!

15,00 cm
58 RM
La Aroma del Caribe Mi Amor Valentino Toro Gigante

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 27 in stock

€232.80* €240.00*
Variants from €9.60*
Content: 25 Stück (€9.31* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

The oversize “Mi Amor” with RM 58 naturally spits out the thickest clouds of smoke. Be careful, it is only slightly lighter than the smaller formats! Here you can taste the full intensity of first-class Nicaraguan tobacco for approx. 80 - 90 minutes.


Like the other “MA” formats, this one is carried by a veritable flood of delicious coffee aromas - roasty, “umami”, spicy-herbal, with a slightly sweet base. Blender Pepín Garcia has, of course, conjured up a whole host of harmonious accompanying notes in the blend - dried fruit and soft earth, dark woods and just the right dose of black pepper play catcher on the palate. Leather and bread crust as well as the typical spicy raciness of the San Andrés wrapper also play a role time and again. A decent strength makes the smoke more suitable for experienced smokers. Top PLV!

11,30 cm
48 RM
AJ Fernandez Last Call Maduro Geniales Short Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 26 in stock

€218.25* €225.00*
Variants from €9.00*
Content: 25 Stück (€8.73* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Der “Last Call” ist die letzte Runde in der Kneipe, und diese extrakurze dicke Robusto im dunklen Deckblatt ist wirklich ein toller Abschluss des gepflegten Raucherabends. Sie brennt ca. 45 – 55 Minuten.


In diesem Format kommt die intensive Aromatik des edlen Broadleaf-Wrappers aus Pennsylvania sehr schön zum Tragen. Feiner tiefer Kakaogeschmack, holzige Noten und pikante Gewürze ergänzen sich vorzüglich mit dem nussigen und angenehm röstigen Charakter der nicaraguanischen Einlage. Wie auch manch andere hochwertige Zigarren dieses Produktionslandes fängt der Smoke würziger und toastiger an, als er sich im weiteren Rauchverlauf entwickelt. Die Zigarre wird immer nussiger, süßer und milder, ohne ihre kernigeren Aromen zu verlieren. Mittelkräftig und vollmundig.

13,90 cm
54 RM
La Aroma del Caribe Mi Amor Belicoso

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 26 in stock

€220.68* €227.50*
Variants from €9.10*
Content: 25 Stück (€8.83* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

What you need to know

The most powerful and perhaps best format in the series with the red-cheeked brunette on the anilla is a 54 torpedo with a corresponding concentration of flavours. The harmless motif is a little deceptive - the approx. 55 - 70-minute enjoyment is definitely powerful!


For those in the know, it is hardly surprising that this is a genuine Don Pepín blend under the Ashton banner. Above-average strength, high aromatic intensity, yet a soft, silky smoke texture characterise the cigar, whose flavour profile is defined by rich coffee and cocoa notes. Soft, malty sweetness, charming tones of hazelnut and, towards the end, expressive spices of cloves and pepper provide a complexity that clearly raises the smoke above the standard of this price level. Great thing - special recommendation!

12,70 cm
54 RM
Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 26 in stock

€506.34* €522.00*
Variants from €17.40*
Content: 30 Stück (€16.88* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

The tobaccos used here are half as old as the brand - you can taste that when you enjoy this brightly colored gem for the full 45 - 55 minutes of smoking time. Another spectacular stroke of genius from Nick Perdomo.


A cigar with a blissful sweetness, never intrusive or overpowering, suitable for beginners and experienced smokers alike. The taste of light nuts, white bread and café au lait blends with honey and caramel; in addition, there are the much-invoked "vegetal" notes - here of flowers and tropical wood. Sweet and perfect for a hot summer's day, the Robusto also has more robust facets of toast and white pepper. In general, it gains considerably in expressiveness and full-bodiedness in the second half - at a moderate strength. Once again a direct hit!

12,70 cm
54 RM
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Maduro Robusto boxpressed

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 26 in stock

€303.13* €312.50*
Variants from €12.50*
Content: 25 Stück (€12.13* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

What you need to know

Perdomo has given the "10th" series a complete overhaul! Stylish new Anillas, the increasingly popular box-pressing, still fair prices - and a consistently great blend, here for approx. 55 - 65 minutes of smoking time.


The Nicaraguan Puro immediately impresses with its wonderfully silky smoke. Piquant spice aromas, a generous portion of bitter-sweet cocoa and a seductive espresso aroma combine very harmoniously with subtle herbal notes and attractive traces of fruit flavor (cherry). The multi-layered taste of the medium-strength Robusto, which is quite strong in the last third, develops steadily over the course of the smoke towards earthier, more profound notes with a noble character, without losing its creaminess and sweetness. It is not without reason that the series is a critics' favorite!

leicht - mittel
15,88 cm
60 RM
BrickHouse Mighty Mighty

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€184.30* €190.00*
Variants from €7.60*
Content: 25 Stück (€7.37* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

This coveted "60" in a beautiful medium brown "Subido Shade" wrapper is a Nicaraguan puro at a real buddy price. With about 90 - 105 minutes of smoking time, it is perfect as an accompaniment to an exciting movie night.


The impeccably crafted large format impressively proves that an affordable price by no means has to go hand in hand with aromatic one-dimensionality. In fact, the baroque smoke beats the much quoted "peacock's wheel" of flavours - the focus is on earthy, toasty spice, but on the palate, in addition to nutty-creamy melting, various lovely flavour facets also settle down to a hint of lovely fruit sweetness. The soft, comforting character remains with a slightly tightening strength until it is put down, increasingly complemented by a herb-sweet cocoa note. Fantastic PLV!

12,70 cm
50 RM
CAO Cameroon Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€153.26* €158.00*
Variants from €7.90*
Content: 20 Stück (€7.66* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 in stock

Worth knowing

As the small Perfecto in this series was very convincing, we are also including the new box-pressed Robusto in our range, which tastes just as good and guarantees a spicy-sweet smoking experience lasting approx. 45 - 55 minutes.


As you would expect from a “flat cigar”, the Robusto is a little spicier and more expressive than the super-creamy Perfecto. Roasted coffee beans and a hearty, melting nut mix are at the heart of the taste spectrum, harmoniously complemented by classic cigar aromas such as leather and tropical wood. However, the medium-strength, pleasantly affordable smoke also has a whole range of attractive accompanying aromas to offer - such as the rich almond sweetness of the wrapper or ethereal, spicy herbs. A characterful, refined smoke with an outstanding PLV!
12,70 cm
50 RM
Crowned Heads Four Kicks Capa Especial Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€221.16* €228.00*
Variants from €9.50*
Content: 24 Stück (€9.22* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

A special highlight of the "Four Kicks" series rolled by E. P Carillo is the variant with a seductively shiny wrapper made from Sumatra tobacco grown in Ecuador. We are very pleased to present you this import from Dalay! Burns for just under an hour.


Without being particularly strong - the strength is in the medium range - this Robusto delivers an equally intense and wonderfully balanced play of aromas to the palate. Concise cedar notes blend with fragrant, grassy nuances, the melting of peanuts meets the toastiness of toast. All in all, two worlds of taste - a "summery"-vegetal and a spicy one that gives the cigar depth and body - merge in amazing harmony. In the 2nd half, the spicy facets very gradually gain the upper hand, but the wrapper holds its sweetness until it is put down.

12,70 cm
54 RM
Drew Estate Tabak Especial Oscuro Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€223.49* €230.40*
Variants from €9.60*
Content: 24 Stück (€9.31* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 in stock

Worth knowing

The flavour addition of this "doped" 54 Robusto tastes of espresso, and fittingly, everything here is darker than in the "Medio" variant - especially the beautiful Broadleaf wrapper. Light-hearted, medium-bodied smoking pleasure for up to 60 minutes.


In addition to the ever-present herb-sweet aroma of the excellently dosed additives, this long filler of a special kind is not stingy with notes of dark chocolate, soft earthy notes and the pleasant astringency of oak leaves. In the course of smoking, rich roasted tones join in as well as a hint of liquorice, finally also increasingly spice reminiscent of cinnamon and pepper. The special sweetness from the dipping of the open ("shaggy") foot end naturally dissipates in the second third, but is surprisingly seamlessly replaced by a harmonious coexistence of lovely and pithy notes.

12,70 cm
50 RM
Flor de Oliva Original Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€130.95* €135.00*
Variants from €5.40*
Content: 25 Stück (€5.24* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

In contrast to the Maduro version, this blend is in a medium-brown Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, but grown in Nicaragua. This preserves the character of the cigars as Puros. Burns for approx. 50 - 65 minutes.


Untypically, the lighter variant of the series is not noticeably lighter than the Maduro, both are at about the same pleasant level. In terms of taste, however, the differences are more pronounced. The common denominator is the multi-layered nutty tones between umami, creamy and sweet, which can also be found in the more expensive Oliva series. In addition, rich, elegant woody aromas play a role again and again, and there is also a certain pleasant leatheriness. Nutmeg and white pepper are subtly noticeable in the background, permanently accompanied by dark chocolate.

mittel - kräftig
11,30 cm
46 RM
Padron 1964 Anniversary Principe (Petit Corona) Natural

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 25 in stock

€85.36* €88.00*
Variants from €19.80*
Content: 5 Stück (€17.07* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

€480.15* €495.00*
Variants from €19.80*

No longer available

Worth knowing

Like so many leading cigar producers founded by Cuban exiles, Padrón (the owner's real name!) celebrated its 30th anniversary with this world-class series. With its power, the small format for a good ½ hour really offers a journey back in time to a bygone blending era!


A little less powerful than its dark twin, the Prinzchen still packs a concentrated flavour package, held together by rustic nut and coffee tones and an almost creamy smoke consistency. After 1-2 heavy puffs, the distinctive spiciness of nutmeg, pepper and clove stabilises at an extremely pleasant level and leaves room for tart, even latently fruity-sweet nuances to develop. Not only in terms of size, but also in terms of perceived strength, this is the ideal entry-level format in the series, with a perfect balance between a creamy sense of well-being and pithy, crisp flavour facets.

16,51 cm
54 RM
AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf Toro

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€211.46* €218.00*
Variants from €10.90*
Content: 20 Stück (€10.57* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


Nach ihrer Markteinführung 2018 wurde diese „Enclave“-Variante in der leuchtend dunkelroten Kiste von Fans intensiv würziger non-Cubans sofort begeistert aufgenommen. Die (Gran) Toro ist ein ganz schönes Kaliber für ca. 80 – 105 Minuten.


Okay, zu behaupten, die 3 Formate dieser Reihe würden sich geschmacklich stark unterscheiden, wäre, naja, halt gelogen. So gibt es auch in diesem stattlichen Format ein schönes Wechselspiel üppiger Gewürz-, Kakao-, Eichen-, Kaffee- und Ledernoten zu genießen, ergänzt von subtiler Lakritzesüße und einem tiefen erdigen Grundton, der im letzten Drittel markanter wird. Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieses dicksten Formats der Linie ist die schön cremige Rauchtextur, die der Smoke trotz seiner erheblichen Power und Würze bis zum Schluss beibehält.

19,05 cm
55 RM
AJ Fernandez New World Oscuro Double Corona

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€209.81* €216.30*
Variants from €10.30*
Content: 21 Stück (€9.99* / 1 Stück)

No longer available

Worth knowing

Whether it's the almost tiny Petit Corona or this awe-inspiring flagship of the range - the "NWO" blend is simply rock'n'roll! If you (like us) can't get enough of it, treat yourself to this powerful, quite strong box-pressed cigar with up to 2 hours of smoking time!


The giant may be a blink of an eye lighter than her smaller sisters, but she still packs quite a punch and is primarily recommended for more experienced smokers. They will enjoy a smoke that offers an intense and colourful spectrum of flavours at an almost unrivalled price - rich spices of nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon, rich notes of dark woods, the racy aroma of roasted coffee beans; all this combined with a subtle sweetness of molasses and fruit, which takes on more chocolatey characteristics as the smoke progresses. Sensational flavour and craftsmanship (not only) for this price range!

leicht - mittel
12,70 cm
50 RM
CigarKings Sun Grown Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€107.09* €110.40*
Variants from €9.20*
Content: 12 Stück (€8.92* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 in stock

Worth knowing

As with all CigarKings, a homely-looking king smirks invitingly from the Anilla - and this Vítola is arguably the best introduction to the world of the brand. Here, a good hour with the friendly regent proves to be thoroughly entertaining!


More sweetness and even smoother smoke than in the other formats is promised by the manufacturer's homepage - and they are right! Wood and nut, coffee and a little clinging caramel combine to create a perfectly balanced flavour picture that doesn't change every few puffs here, but delivers with absolute reliability from the first to the last puff. With every puff, a fine, subtle leather note creeps in, and even a nose of spicy spices is caught from time to time - welcome counterweights to the sweet charm of almonds and milk chocolate. Close to medium-bodied, excellently made.

mittel - kräftig
12,70 cm
54 RM
Drew Estate Liga Privada T52 Robusto

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€414.38* €427.20*
Variants from €17.80*
Content: 24 Stück (€17.27* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

As a further development of the "LP" series for experienced and attentive smokers, this top blend is made of 7 different top tobaccos. During the approx. 55 - 65 minutes of smoking pleasure, the excellent quality and long maturation are noticeable at all times.


Not too far removed from the "No. 9", but blessed with an extra portion of complexity, the Robusto gets off to a brilliant start with oak, toast and a pinch of pepper before "slowing down" a little in favour of perfect balance. Then playful spicy and ethereal notes of oriental spices and espresso beans, but also of conifers and fresh herbs unfold. The heavy peat and cocoa aromas that are characteristic of many of the brand's cigars are also present, as is the subtle liquorice sweetness. The full-bodied smoke even goes well with a powerful Islay malt.

mittel - kräftig
15,24 cm
48 RM
Nicarao Especiales Toro

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€207.78* €214.20*
Variants from €10.20*
Content: 21 Stück (€9.89* / 1 Stück)

No longer available


The bestseller of this top series is significantly slimmer than a regular Toro with RM 48, but thanks to perfect burnup comes easily to a format-typical smoking time of about 75 - 90 minutes. In times of hefty price increases, a doubly valuable bargain!


Substantial intensity, variety and a nice evolution are balanced in this elegant cigar in a way rarely found at this price level. Juicy wood aromas, earthy spice with subtle herbal facets of nutmeg and clove along with pithy roasted notes of fresh coffee beans combine with subtle but perceptible toffee/caramel sweetness throughout the smoke. Occasionally, a charming hint of fruit flavor blows to the palate. The power moves initially in the medium range and goes towards the end a little beyond. Top PLV!

15,20 cm
54 RM
Oliva Serie V Torpedo

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 24 in stock

€363.17* €374.40*
Variants from €15.60*
Content: 24 Stück (€15.13* / 1 Stück)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 in stock

Worth knowing

Not for nothing does this proud figurado in the shimmering, almost Maduro-dark H2000 Sungrown wrapper sometimes earn top ratings at tastings. See for yourself what the olivas are capable of for 75 - 90 minutes!


One of the few non-Cubans in this price range that can rival a Habano in terms of balance and complexity! Typical Nicaragua, however, is the full-flavoured start with pepper and roasted aromas, which immediately gives way to a pleasant, very harmonious aroma with lush coffee notes, melting men's chocolate, some oak and hints of herbs and spices, which become more frequent, clearer and more complex as the smoke progresses. Peat and espresso take centre stage in the strong final third, complemented by ginger spice. Nicaragua's answer to the Monte "No. 2"!