Ardbeg Uigeadial


Content: 0.7 Piece (€207.14* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 1-3 days, 1 Piece in stock


Useful Information

If you are on the south coast road of the "Kildalton Shore" from Port Ellen to the Kildalton Cross, you will inevitably find yourself at the gates of the Ardbeg distillery. It is named after the Gaelic expression for "small hill", Taigh - stail Àirde Beaga. The Ardbeg brand Wisheys are known for their intense, aromatic – smoky and peaty notes. The statement to describe the Ardbeg whiskeys as "heavily peated" is not wrong, but still too "very simplistic". The whiskeys of the neighboring distilleries Laphroaig and Lagavulin are peated about the same as those of Caol Ila and yet the smoky notes are very different in all of them. This begs the question of why? This is largely due to the different distillation processes. The tube that connects the gooseneck of the spirit still with its belly guides the condensed liquid back into the still. This reflux not only increases the complexity of the brand, it also makes it lighter because the vapor gets more copper contact. The result of this process is simple, "sweetness". In addition, the fermentation period was extended. Short fermentation times give a brand a sharp smoky note, while a long fermentation process makes it significantly creamier and contains more acid.


The name Uigeadail comes from the lake of the same name, from which the Ardbeg distillery gets its peaty water. After the maturation process in bourbon and sherry barrels, it is not cold filtered and at barrel strength with 54.2% vol. bottled. The Uigeadail can confidently be called Ardbeg in its most massive form. In the nose it surprises with a ripe and smoky note, as well as a concentrated sweetness, which is composed of dark fruits, christmas cake, floral notes, fresh sea air, oily leather up to notes of chocolate and raisins. In terms of taste, it is initially cautious on the palate, but this quickly changes to expansive and elemental, where it unfolds its full strength and full-bodied texture. This convinces with a fascinating balance between sweet sherry, malt, peat, winter spices and deep smoky flvors, which are repeatedly broken through by the alcohol. The astonishingly long finish with deep mocha, raisins, light peat and aromatic smoke notes rounds off the enjoyment.

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Abfüller: Aberfeldy Destillerie
Alter: 21 years
Aromen: Fruit, Honey, Malt
Farbstoff: Ja
Herkunftsland: Schottland
Hersteller: John Dewar & Sons
Inhalt: 0,7 l
Kaltfilterung: Nein
Kategorie: Single Malt
Marke: Aberfeldy
Region: Highland
Vol %: 40
Warengruppe: Whiskey


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Worth knowing

Chill-filtered whiskeys are cooled down to about 5°C for bottling in order to remove suspended matter such as oils and fats, which occur in the form of flocculation and wood detachment, for aesthetic purposes. By omitting the cold filtration process, the suspended matter, which according to the current state of scientific knowledge can be classified as harmless, is retained as a flavour and aroma carrier, resulting in a more intense and complex aroma. In addition, a temporary slight cloudiness can set in, which is an indication of the gentle filtration. In addition, all whiskeys that are not cold-filtered are bottled with at least 46% alcohol by volume in order to avoid this cloudiness at room temperature.


As with the vintage distillate from 2010, the Ben Nevis Un - Chillfiltered Collection 2013, with its rough character, also shows the origin from the Scottish West Highlands. After pouring, the whiskey rests golden yellow in the glass and immediately unfolds its mineral charm in combination with blueberry pie and icing sugar notes. Gradually, the nose reveals the finest oak and notes reminiscent of oven-fresh oatmeal biscuits. Already at the first sip, the single malt unfolds its full-bodied character on the palate. At first, it reveals sweet malt, milk chocolate and blood orange aromas, which are accompanied by a warm oak note. The taste experience is rounded off by a spice combination of white pepper and candied ginger. The long-lasting finish is interspersed with cappuchino, leather and fine liquorice notes, resulting in a multi-layered interplay of aromas.

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Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 Piece in stock


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Worth knowing

This powerful single malt is distilled in the very north of Islay's rugged coast. The proximity to the sea and the water from its own underground spring give it a character all of its own - a whisky like the landscape from which it comes!


The typical Islay smoky peat notes on the nose are accompanied by a soft, diffuse fruity sweetness right from the start. Nevertheless, the smell is strikingly fresh and lively. Despite its considerable strength, the bolide virtually dances across the tongue, revealing sweet and sour flavours of fresh wild berries. A velvety, nutty-malty undertone joins in and brings the distinctive aromatics into balance. Finally, the sweetness tends towards vanilla and caramel. The remarkably long finish is woodier and spicier without losing sweetness and complexity.