Perdomo 30th Anniversary Maduro Epicure

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Content: 1 Stück

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 21 in stock


Worth knowing

Nick Perdomo's maduro cigars are always a feast for experienced aficionados. This ingenious new release made from extra-long matured tobaccos sourced exclusively from Nicaragua is no exception! Smoking time approx. 70 - 80 minutes.


The masterfully rolled, oval box-pressed toro spoils us right from the start with a wonderfully balanced interplay of flavours of dark chocolate, lightly sweetened espresso, hearty, roasted bread crust and malty, earthy facets. A powerful, full-bodied flavour, yet never overpowering - just like the above-average, but not exaggerated strength. The complexity of the blend reveals itself more and more as the smoke progresses - dark woods come into play as well as an exciting spice potpourri of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and a pinch of pepper.

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Aromen: Chocolate, Erde, Espresso, Gewürze, Toast
Format: Toro
Herkunftsland Deckblatt: Ecuador
Herkunftsland Einlagetabak: Nicaragua
Herkunftsland Umblatt: Nicaragua
Länge in cm: 15,24
Ringmaß: 54
Stärke: mittel
Warengruppe: Zigarren
Zigarrenmarke: Perdomo
Zigarrenserie: Perdomo 30th Aniversary


Der Name „Perdomo“ steht nicht nur für absolute Premiumqualität, sondern auch für die weitreichende und bewegende Firmengeschichte, die das Unternehmen geprägt hat. Die Historie des erfolgreichen Zigarrenherstellers Perdomo führt nach San Jose de las Lajas, ins tiefste Kuba. Silvio Perdomo, der Gründer und Namensgeber des Unternehmens, hat in den 30er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts angefangen, sich mit dem Zigarrengeschäft vertraut zu machen. Er arbeitete für verschiedene – damals sehr angesehene – Fabriken in Kuba und genoss die beste Ausbildung, die seinerzeit dort möglich war. Sein großer Wunsch war es, sich erfolgreich im Tabakgeschäft zu etablieren und seinen Sohn, Nick Perdomo, davon zu überzeugen, in seine Fußstapfen zu treten. Doch die kubanische Revolution traf die Familie stark: Silvio Perdomo verbrachte knapp zwölf Jahre im Gefängnis, musste harte Folter über sich ergehen lassen und konnte seinem Eifer für die Zigarrenproduktion nicht mehr nachgehen. Zur Erleichterung der gesamten Familie schaffte es Perdomo Junior, den Guerilla-Kämpfen im Land zu entgehen und in die amerikanischen Staaten zu flüchten. Hier erfüllte er seinem Vater dessen größten Wunsch: Er widmete sich dem Tabakgeschäft, entwickelte seine Leidenschaft für dieses und produzierte 1992 die erste Perdomo-Zigarre. Damals drehte der junge Kubaner die Zigarren noch in seiner Garage, zwar unprofessionell, aber schon damals mit viel Hingabe. Jahre später hatte Nick Perdomo es geschafft und sich seine eigene Fabrik aufgebaut. Unter dem Familiennamen produzierte und wirtschaftete er. Angefangen von der Aufzucht des Tabaks bis hin zur Veredelung der stilvollen Verpackungen aus spanischem Zedernholz. Das Raucherlebnis, das jede Zigarre aus dem kubanischen Sortiment mit sich bringt, ist unter anderem auch auf die gezielt ausgewählten Anbaugebiete in Nicaragua zurückzuführen. Nicht ohne Grund bauen viele Experten der Tabakwelt in Nicaragua an und nutzen die klimatisch günstigen Bedingungen vor Ort. Das milde tropische Klima und der vulkanische Boden lassen den Tabak gedeihen und verleihen ihm eine einzigartige Note. Die beeindruckende Geschichte dieser kubanischen Familie ist neben dem besonderen Geschmack ein Grund für die Aufnahme der Perdomo-Zigarren in das Sortiment. Hier finden Sie zum Beispiel einige High-End Zigarren von Perdomo.

Accessory Items

S.T. Dupont 2pc cigar case Orange Gold

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

Cigar lovers all over the world appreciate the unique expertise of the S.T. Dupont jewellery designers, as they create the luxurious cigar accessories for the "S.T. Dupont Cigar - Universe Collection" by combining sophisticated technologies and the unique brand tradition. In addition to fine cigar cases and cigar cutters, the "Cigar - Universe Collection" includes everything from the "Minijet lighter", which is predominantly in classic colours, to the luxury lighter from the "Le Grand" series. The S.T. Dupont brand continues to delight aficionados with high-quality cigar accessories.

Product information

The S.T. Dupont Orange Gold 2 cigar case combines the iconic style of the S.T. Dupont brand with the colour pop orange. The upper part of the case is made of soft, grained cowhide and the lower part of stainless steel, which has been coated with a gold lacquer. Up to two cigars with a maximum length of 23 cm and a ring gauge of up to 60 can be safely transported in the harmoniously designed and length-adjustable cigar case. The high-quality workmanship and the unusual colour design make this cigar case an indispensable companion for style-conscious aficionados.

S.T. Dupont Slimmy black lacquer/chrome

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

With the new "Slimmy" lighter series, the S.T. Dupont brand is ushering in a new era for contemporary lighters with a timeless look. Similar to the recently released Ligne Big D lighters, the "Slimmy's" are also a combination of two already well-known lighter series from Dupont, as they unite the elegance of the Ligne 2 with the performance of the ultra-thin Slim 7 - in short, the ideal companion for travelling. The lighters, which are only 9 mm thin, impress lighter lovers and aficionados with their haptic and tactile properties. Unlike the luxury version, the lighter body of the Slimmy lighters is made of stainless steel and then decorated with guilloches or coated with a layer of palladium, yellow gold or rose gold. The S.T. Dupont Slimmy series is the beginning of a new era for contemporary lighters with a timeless look.

Product information

The colour design of the S.T. Dupont Slimmy Black Chrome is a true Dupont classic. At the height of the combustion chamber, the black lacquer coating on the front and back is interrupted by a narrow chrome-plated stripe that extends across the entire width of the lighter. The brand name "S.T. Dupont" is engraved in curved letters on the front and there is a narrow air inlet on the back, which supplies the combustion chamber of the Flat - Flame with sufficient oxygen at all times. The chrome-plated ignition handle extends almost the full height of the lighter and fits seamlessly into the lighter body. When lighting cigars, the tobacco is "roasted" at the end of the flame by the flat flame, gradually releasing its flavours. So that you can enjoy your S.T. Dupont Slimmy Black Chrome for a long time, the manufacturer recommends S.T. Dupont Gas Black for filling.

S.T. Dupont Maxijet Cutter Black

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

Cigar - Aficionados all over the world are constantly on the lookout for high-quality cigar accessories that always work perfectly. They find this perfection in the ever-growing Cigar - Universe collection from the French luxury manufacturer S.T. Dupont. When developing the exquisite cigar accessories, the S.T. Dupont jewellery designers combine their unique know-how with sophisticated technologies. For style-conscious aficionados, the S.T. Dupont Cigar - Universe collection is like the sweet shop for children, because here they will find everything to make their hearts beat faster. From the ultra-thin Slim 7 lighter to elegant cigar holders and cutters to the masterpieces of the Ligne Le Grand, everyone will find the accessory that suits their lifestyle and further enhances the smoking experience.

Product information

The S.T. Dupont Maxijet Cutter Black belongs to the latest cigar cutter generation of the manufacturer, because it is equipped with the new spring-based mechanism and guarantees in combination with the razor-sharp double blades always a perfect cut of the cigars. The stainless steel housing of the Maxijet cutter is covered with a black lacquer coating, into which the brand name "S.T. Dupont" is engraved in curved letters at the lower end of the front. The two stainless steel double blades are opened by pressing lightly on the silver-plated handles embedded in the side of the cutter's housing. By pressing the double blades together, the cutter closes and opens cigars up to a 54 ring gauge. The simple yet appealing design in combination with the feel and tactile properties make this high-quality cigar cutter a cutting tool suitable for everyday use.